  The Pride of Existing and Resisting
Newsletter 11/2022
    Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung

The Pride of Existing and Resisting


What is the relationship between new fascisms and gender-based hate? Can the conservative advance be understood, in part, as revenge against the feminist and dissident revolution? Can certain binary and biologistic visions of gender end up unintentionally supporting those intolerant views?

In this bulletin, we examine the points of contact between totalitarianisms and right-wing shift in societies marked by hatred toward gays, lesbians, and trans people. The violent defense of the privileges of powerful heterosexual white men seems to lie behind both processes. Thus, it is no easy fight.

However, around the world, there are inspiring experiences of organization of LGBTIQ+ people, which, besides being spaces of self-defense against patriarchal attacks, enrich wide-reaching feminisms in general and change society. At the same time, they challenge concentrated powers, church and institutional blind spots, and conservativisms within the left and feminisms themselves. They question and recreate official memory, occupy public space, fight for rights, but, above all, the right to exist. We call for truly transformative feminisms, that have non-biologicistic visions, plural subjects, and are dissident to the patriarchy and its heteronormativity!

  Feminism for Everyone  
Feminism for Everyone

Clara Serra for Jacobin América Latina

Fighting the extreme right today, as well as the precarity and fears on which it feeds, requires a firm commitment to a feminism for everyone.

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LGTBIQ+ Wall Art in India
LGTBIQ+ Wall Art in India


Aravani Art Project is an art collective led by trans and cis women in India that aims to strengthen the visibility of the LGBTQIA+ community using street art and promotes the struggle for the dignified lives of all people.

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Los Innombrables
Los Innombrables

RLS Ecuador

Los Innombrables is an audiovisual series in Spanish about conservative perspectives that have spread in Latin America in recent years that oppose the expansion of rights for women and diverse sexualities.

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A Kurdish-queer Sight for Peace
A Kurdish-queer Sight for Peace

RLS West-Asia

Queer Kurds are exposed to violence in multiple ways. At the same time, the connection between queer and Kurdish identity creates intersectional bridges between movements.

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Anti-Woke laws in US
Anti-Woke laws in US


The fight over the US society. Conservatives in the USA promote racist and sexist legislation to restore the authority of white, cisgender, straight father figures in the face of challenges from the “woke mob.”

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A Trans and Black Politics
A Trans and Black Politics

Seeds of Resistance

What is it like to be a trans and Black woman in Bolsonaro’s Brazil? How can one survive being not only an activist but also a politician? Patricia Borges is an example of a political feminist disruptive trans woman who does not ask for permission.

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Dissident Memories in Argentina
Dissident Memories in Argentina

Against heteronormative history

Is it possible to build an LGTBIQ+ memory of state terrorism in Argentina? We interviewed Cristian Prieto, a journalist, activist and researcher on the LGBTIQ+ disappeared during the last military dictatorship (1976-1983).

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Being Trans in Spain

The Acción Trans Combativa collective in Madrid is a strong force within the fight against fascism and conservatism, as well as within the feminist movement.

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  Being Trans in Spain
  Outside the focus
Outside the focus
      Women’s Revolution in Iran  

Women’s Revolution in Iran

A wave of protests against Islamist rulers have shaken the country. What is most remarkable is how Iranian women are tearing off the mandatory hijab and shaping the protests themse

      After Roe: How We Got Here and What Comes Next  

After Roe: How We Got Here and What Comes Next

In June, after an aggressive 50-year effort by the anti-abortion movement, the Supreme Court overturned its own Roe and Casey precedents, allowing individual states to criminalize

      Intra-Party Feminism  

Intra-Party Feminism

Sexual harassment is an omnipresent part of our society and, unfortunately, also crop up repeatedly on the Left. What can we learn from the Swedish Left Party?


Image credits:

Introduction, Flickr: Vinayak Das
Feminism for Everyone, Flickr: Sally T. Buck
LGTBIQ+ Wall Art in India: Aravani Art Project
Los Innombrables: RLS Ecuador
A Kurdish-queer Sight for Peace, Flick: Julia Tulke
Anti-Woke laws in US, Flickr: Ted Eytan
A Trans and Black Politics: Pilar Emitxin/ Semillas de Resistencia
Being Trans in Spain: Acción Trans Combativa
Dissident Memories in Argentina: Cristian Prieto
Media Women in Iran, Flickr: Alisdare Hickson
Women’s Revolution in Iran: Taymaz Valley
After Roe: How We Got Here and What Comes Next: giraffebacon
Intra-Party Feminism: Santiago Sito
The radical-right rules Italy: Niccoló Caranti


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Fundación Rosa Luxemburgo
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